Monday, June 08, 2009

NBA Finals - Game 1/2

I guess I was on Cloud 9 after the Game 1. That was just a sweet win. The post defense the Lakes threw at Superman has defined the early part of the Series. Game 2 just confirmed it. If that defense continues, the Series will be short indeed.

Some in-game thoughts on Game 1:
"If Mickney Leetrus is the leading scorer, Magic won't win a game."
"One Dave..Never put the Cart in front of the Horse.....Magic looked really poor tonight!!!!"

"Did you see the box score? Not saying it will happen. But, if Superman, The Michael Jordan of Turkey or Shard Lewis are NOT the leading scorers, Magic have no chance - cuz the Lakers are EN FUEGO!!"

"13 down, 3 to go"

The Magic looked REALLY tight. Worse than I expected. Their entire offensive game is predicated on tossing it into Superman, then having him kick-out for a shot or a swing. None of that happened. Lakes contended the entry and then closed out on the shooters ALL over the court. I especially liked that Kobe went back in late "...we may be up big but this game is NOT getting close".

Some in-game thoughts on Game 2:
"The Myth of Michael: go to 1:28 2:30 of this and then :54 of this. Magic's play was 6yrs BEFORE MJs."

"14 down, 2 to go"

The Magic were still tight. But, Shard got "lost" a couple of times and made the Lakes pay. PJ needs to point that out to Kobe and Lamar. I did NOT like the last LA shot. Kobe had plenty of time to dish to 3 wide-open guys. They dodged that bullet. And, the OT turned out very good - Kobe not dominating and Lamar not turtling.

Lots of chatter about a sweep. But, I doubt it. I expect Orlando to be VERY fired up and win Game 3. Then, I expect a tight Game 4 (a la G2) that Magic win at the wire. Then, Lakes win Game 5 and come home to close it out in Game 6. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Lakers steal G3 and close out the sweep. The Magic are playing that bad right now.

Is it bad that I'm bummed that Lakes are NOT doing this to the Celtics? Really, we got it bad when we can't enjoy a Finals victory. Sheesh.

Also, unfortunately I'll be watching G3 on "tape delay". So, no Twitterverse for me until I get back and run through the game. I'll be live for Game 4, tho. Can't wait.

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